Joints for Soft Toys, Dolls & Teddys - Plastic 3 Part Joint Sets 15 - 55mm

Plastic Animal Joints for Dolls, Soft Toys & Teddy Bear Making Crafts
Sizes Available from 15mm - 55mm
Quantity From 1 Joint - 50 Joints

Please Select Size & Qty From The Drop Down Boxes

Please Note the colour of the back washers may not be white

If you buy 1 Joint, you will get 3 parts for that 1 joint. This will be good for a head.

If you need more than 1 moving limb, then you need to select 2 joints or 3 etc.

Plastic Soft Toy Joints

Unlike some sellers All our joints are 3 part joints.
Brand Unbranded
Condition New